The wide range of expertise available within Gibbs Planning & Development arises from the historical involvement of its principle and potential [future] workers in providing services to the various levels of government [local, provincial and national] as well as to the private sector.

Strategic & Integrated Spatial Planning

Guidelines for the strategic and integrated development of planning areas are formulated on behalf of and in collaboration with provincial, metropolitan and local authorities and include determining the nature, intensity and arrangement of land uses with due consideration to among others socio-economic and environmental factors, transport matters and development priorities in a humane and sustainable manner.

This highly specialised planning proficiency combines strategic thinking with the ever changing trends in land use, city management and administration, as well as programming and budgeting.

The main objective of this service would be to assist all levels of government in the transformation process. It is further geared to install a culture of delivery through the preparation of realistic and integrated strategic development plans. Such development plans are aimed at re-directing financial and human resources to achieve accountability and transparency towards needs and priorities of communities.

  • Integrated development plans
  • Land reform processes
  • Advisory assistance / support
  • Facilitation of urban management processes
  • Town Planning Schemes and other Land Use Management Schemes (LUMS)

Urban and Rural Development

The prospective development of greenfield settlements within rural and urban areas for all income groups in accordance with the accepted housing policy – ‘Breaking New Ground’ – are planned and designed in close collaboration with these affected communities and such projects are submitted and co-ordinated to proclamation together with a suitably qualified team of professionals including [but not limited to] engineers, environmental assessment practitioners, land surveyors.

This includes Township Establishment applications and all aspects that involve town planners in the professional capacity.

This practice is also involved in community orientated projects such as retail projects, schools, relocations, land reform projects and the like on behalf of government and private institutions.

Gibbs Planning & Development also offers the following professional services:

  • Statutory township establishment;
  • Informal settlement (in-situ) upgrading; and
  • Urban development control applications

Acquisition of Land Use Rights and Rezoning

New or amended land use rights are acquired through applications for rezoning and consent [permission and consent applications in terms of the applicable Town Planning or Land Use Management Scheme such as those for an additional (or second) dwelling unit] applications and other procedures in terms of relevant legislation – The Spatial Planning & Land Use Management Act [SPLUMA], the municipal by-laws enacted in terms of this piece of legislation and town planning schemes.

The enactment of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act [Act 16 of 2013] and recently approved regulations have altered the dynamic in the submission of applications, their assessment and approval by municipalities.

Subdivision and Consolidation of Land

Applications are undertaken for the subdivision and consolidation of urban [erven], agricultural holdings and farmland [farm portions] in line with the applicable legislation – including the Municipal by-laws linked to the SPLUMA and Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act [Act 70 of 1970].

Town Planning / Land Use Management

Statutory land use schemes or town planning schemes and other regulatory mechanisms for the zoning, control and management of land uses are such as Spatial Development Frameworks prepared and reviewed on behalf of metropolitan and local municipalities. This will especially be required when the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act, 2013 together with its regulations when these become operational.

Development Investigations and Advice

The development potential of a particular property is investigated and a report submitted in which the client is advised regarding planning procedures and specific requirements related to the project together with expected timeframes and cost implications of implementing alternative development proposals.

Site Planning

In implementing a development proposal, a site development plan is prepared in collaboration with other members of the professional team.

Project Facilitation and management

Effective public participation during the planning of a project is a critical pre-requisite to achieving legitimacy and transparency in the approach to the project. The planner is usually required to act as a facilitator to ensure that the process is not unduly delayed.

Town planning applications frequently attract objections or representations from affected parties and, as a result, the town planner is required to represent the clients’ interests at a town planning or appeal hearing scheduled for this purpose.

GP&D is also involved in managing community orientated projects and the team of required consultants so that the client does not have to interact with many players.

Electronic Mapping and Draughting

Accurate mapping and draughting are offered in conjunction with and in support of the listed planning services. AutoCAD is used by entering coordinates from approved Surveyor-General diagrams – either diagrams or General Plans – in order to create draft base mapping so that concept designs, zoning maps, land use maps and layout plans can be generated.